New First Responders Hit the Streets


Mercy EMS recently held a ten-week training for new Emergency Medical Responders. Fifteen students graduated from the course on June 8th. The class was instructed by Carl Beasley of Mercy and Bethany Busby of Mountain View Fire.

EMR is the emergency medical certification level below EMT. The students have studied emergency medicine including how to treat a wide variety of injuries and illnesses. They are trained to work with minimal equipment in a variety of settings such as homes, the forest or river and at automobile wrecks. A few of the more experienced EMRs sat in on the course as a refresher since everyone needs to keep their skills sharp.

Most of the graduates will go on to serve their communities as First Responders. The role of the First Responder is to arrive on the scene of the emergency before the ambulance and begin care. Some first responders are members of fire or police departments, but there are also two independent first responder organizations in our area that only respond to medical emergencies, the Shannon County First Responders and the Carter County First Responders.

Students had many reasons for taking the class, Mandy Lavallee of Birch Tree said “When we first moved here all we had was the clothes on our backs and what could fit into our vehicle with our children, and we received a lot of help from the community. Now it’s our turn to give back to the community in their time of need!”

Suzanne Davis of Winona added “I’ve been a nurse for 20 years and when I was given this opportunity to volunteer and to help out the community I knew I needed to do it! It’s a way for me to give back and to help out in our little community.”


Students in this class represented the following agencies: The Shannon County First Responders, The Carter County First Responders, Birch Tree Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Winona Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Eastwood Fire Protection District, and the Mountain View Volunteer Fire Department.

Congratulations to all of them and our community thanks them for their commitment to step up and help their neighbors.


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